Senior portrait season for the Class of 2009 is now officially underway, thanks to my friend Heather. She's going to be a Senior Rep for me, so we wanted to get started early and encourage other seniors to start thinking about scheduling portrait sessions.
BY THE WAY, I'LL TAKE 20% OFF THE SESSION FEE FOR ALL SENIOR PORTRAIT SESSIONS COMPLETED BEFORE CHRISTMAS! HO, HO, HO!So back to our story. We prowled around looking for new angles in my favorite offbeat locations, and here are just a few of her beautiful shots:

Since Heather has burned many a mile on the AHS track, we shot a few (hundred) more there as well:

And Heather being silly and sassy just puts a big smile on my face:

Heather, thanks for humoring your mom and me by getting in front of the camera when you really prefer being on the other side! It's been a joy watching you grow up over the years, and I have no doubt that God will continue to work through you in amazing ways during the years to come. May these words be as true for you when you're old like me as they are now:
I will keep on being glad,
because I know that your prayers
and the help that comes from the Spirit of Christ Jesus
will keep me safe.
I honestly expect and hope
that I will never do anything to be ashamed of.
Whether I live or die,
I always want to be as brave as I am now
and bring honor to Christ.
Philippians 1:18-20 CEV
P.S. I have absolutely no idea why these pics are so much larger than usual but I LOVE IT! I hope I don't accidentally hit the button that will reverse this strange magic...